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BMC Software Product Support Policy

BMC’s Product Support Policy has been updated effective November 15, 2024.

Product technical support is provided to customers currently enrolled in support for BMC’s on premises software products, based on the terms and conditions of the customer’s license agreement and order with BMC and BMC’s current support terms and policies. All Support terms and policies not covered on this page can be located here.

If you are currently enrolled in support, you can contact BMC via phone and web during all product technical support stages. Extended support options may be available for some products for an additional annual support cost. Contact your BMC account representative for assistance.

For current support status and product information, sign up for Proactive Alerts and visit the Supported Product A-Z pages. (Proactive Alert email messages and the associated documentation are provided in English only).

For a product to be eligible for Support, all its Licensed Capacity needs to be enrolled.

BMC reserves the right, for the benefit of all its customers, to use or incorporate into any BMC products or services any suggestions, enhancement requests, recommendations or other feedback provided by its customers.

This topic includes the following sections to help you learn more about the support policy:

Release numbering

BMC uses a three-place numbering scheme to designate released versions of its products. The formats are:

  • VV.RR.SP
    VV=major version, RR=minor release, and SP=service pack
  • VV.RR.MM
    VV=major version, RR=minor release, and MM=maintenance level
  • YY.YY.RR 
    YY.YY= 4-digit year, RR=release
    VV=major version, RR=minor release, PP= patch, and HFX=additional hotfixes that might be applied. This format applies to DSOM Products Containerized Releases only. For more information please see the policy below.

Support for Enterprise Products

BMC has the following version levels for its Enterprise Products:

Level Description
1st level - Version
A major deliverable (VV or YY.YY) that is fully functional and can be installed on the targeted platform through a standard installation program. Indicates a major architectural or structural change, new major product capabilities, or possible incompatibility with prior version or significant migration requirements.
2nd level - Release
A minor deliverable (RR) that is a revision release that maintains compatibility with its major version. Indicates the availability of functional enhancements, new capabilities, and is an overlay/upgrade installation.
3rd level - Service Pack

A cumulative maintenance deliverable (service pack) that resolves a specific set of defects or releases new features to improve the quality, usability, and performance of the product.

Service packs are typically released 1 to 3 times per year, and they are fully supported for at least 12 months after their GA date.

Installing service packs is highly recommended to improve product performance and stability.

GA Patch

A deliverable for cumulative critical fixes that cannot wait for a major, minor, or service pack release. Patches are applicable to products designated as Full or Limited support only. GA patches will be included in future releases of the product.

The most recent GA patch is fully supported.

Customer Support may direct customers to upgrade to a more current version, release, or service pack of the product.

BMC provides at least 5 years* of product technical support from the Version.Release (VV.RR) general availability (GA) date in three technical support stages for its Enterprise Products as defined in the following table, subject to the Product End of Life Policy below:

Support type Description
Full Support

BMC provides full support for at least 3 years from the (GA) date of the VV.RR.

BMC provides service packs, patches, hot fixes, or workarounds to enable the product to operate in substantial conformity with its then-current operating documentation.

Limited Support

Following the Full Support period, BMC provides at least 2 years of Limited Support for the VV.RR.

New enhancements will not be made to the version or release.

Customer Support will direct customers to existing fixes, patches, or workarounds applicable to the reported case.

BMC will develop new hot fixes for problems of high technical impact or business exposure for customers. With customer input, BMC will determine the degree of impact and exposure and the consequent activities.

Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to a more current version, release, or service pack of the product.

Research and Development will be engaged on critical cases only and on a limited basis for problem identification.

End of Version Support

Access to most technical documentation through BMC Support Central portal, Knowledge Base search, known resolutions and workarounds, existing patches and Service Packs, and BMC support communities will remain available where applicable.

No new sustaining maintenance releases, enhancements, patches, or hot fixes will be made to a version or release in "End of Version" status.

Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to a more current version, release, or service pack of the product.

If a customer would like advice on upgrading its product or has questions about the status of a product’s support status, please contact Customer Support during business hours Monday through Friday.

* Exceptions to extend or reduce product support will be announced via the BMC Support Central web site, Proactive Alerts and Release Notes for the affected products. BMC always provides at least Limited Support for a VV.RR for a period of at least 24 months from the date on which such VV.RR became GA.

This table shows an example of the 5-year lifecycle of a VV.RR release, and dates the support status would change:

Release GA Full Support Limited Support End of Version Support
VV.RR – 2.0.00, Jan 12, 2011
Jan 12, 2014
Jan 12, 2016
Jan 13, 2016
.SP – 2.0.05, April 7, 2011
April 7, 2012
April 7, 2013
Jan 13, 2016
.SP – 2.0.06, Feb 9, 2012
Jan 12, 2014
Jan 12, 2016
Jan 13, 2016

Support Policy for DSOM Products Containerized Releases

This Support policy applies to the 21.x and later versions of the BMC products listed here, which BMC may update from time to time.

  1. BMC has the following version levels for its containerized products:
  • A containerized major and minor software version (VV.RR) is a significant release that encompasses a fully functional solution and can be installed on the intended Kubernetes platform using the BMC installation program or implemented as an overlay/upgrade installation to existing containerized software. Such versions might include substantial architectural or structural transformation and introduce new product functionality.
  • A patch release (PP) refers to a minor deliverable that serves as a revision release, ensuring compatibility with its corresponding major version. This release might include functional enhancements and introduce new capabilities, while being implemented as an overlay/upgrade installation to the existing software.
  • Hotfixes (HFX) are a deliverable for cumulative critical fixes that cannot wait for a major and minor (VV.RR) release or a patch. Hotfixes apply to products designated as Full or Limited support only. All hotfixes are included in future releases of the product.
  1. Support Period
  • Each release of a containerized major and minor (VV.RR) software version receives full technical support for a period of 1 year starting from the general availability (GA) date. 
  • Following the full support period, BMC provides an additional 6 months of limited technical support for the respective containerized release.
  1. Full Support
  • During the 1-year full support period, BMC provides comprehensive technical support for the containerized product, including: 
  • Full documentation of the product installation, configuration, and usage. 
  • Patches, hotfixes, or workarounds to enable the product to operate in substantial conformity with its then-current operating documentation, and to address functional issues and security vulnerabilities. 
  • Access to BMC Software's technical support team for assistance and guidance. 
  • Compatibility updates for supported third-party software and platforms. 
  1. Limited Support
  • During the 6-month limited support period, BMC will address only critical security vulnerabilities and major defects that significantly impact the functionality of the product or have high technical impact or business exposure to our customers. With customer input, BMC will determine the degree of impact and exposure to inform consequent activities.
  • Limited support includes providing workarounds or hotfixes for identified critical security vulnerabilities, as deemed necessary by BMC. 
  • New enhancements will not be made to the version or release.
  • Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to the current major and minor (VV.RR) version release or patch of the product. 
  • Research and Development will be engaged on critical cases only and on a limited basis for problem identification.
  1. End of Support (EOS)
  • After the 1-year full support period and the 6-month limited support period, the containerized major and minor (VV.RR) software version will reach end of support (EOS).
  • Access to most technical documentation through BMC Support Central portal, Knowledge Base search, known resolutions and workarounds, existing patches and hotfixes, and BMC Support communities will remain available, where applicable.
  • No new sustaining releases, enhancements, patches, or hotfixes will be made to a version or release in "End of Support" status.
  • For troubleshooting or Support Cases created, Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to the current major and minor (VV.RR) version release or patch of the product. 
  • If a customer would like advice on upgrading their product or has questions about the status of a product’s support status, they can contact Customer Support during business hours Monday through Friday.
  1. Security Vulnerability Remediation

BMC Software is committed to promptly addressing security vulnerabilities and providing necessary fixes to maintain the security of its products. BMC’s holistic approach to product security can be found here: A Holistic Approach to BMC Product Security.

  • BMC follows robust processes in development and testing to ensure that every product release adheres to stringent security standards. BMC prioritizes addressing both the most critical (P1) and high-priority (P2) items, as well as other important security issues that require attention. 
  • BMC currently follows a security fix cycle based on a vulnerabilities CVSS score, providing timely updates by its containerized major releases or patches, as applicable. This approach is in line with our defined policy as detailed in BMC’s secure product development policy, which outlines our commitment to maintaining the security and integrity of our products. 
  • When determining timelines for addressing security vulnerabilities, BMC considers the distinction between findings that are actively exploitable and those that pose hypothetical or theoretical risks as exposed by publicly known CVEs, including vulnerabilities in container images. BMC adheres to common industry standards. If the vulnerability is proven to be actively exploitable, BMC will begin corrective action immediately, develop a fix or workaround, and provide it to customers in the shortest, commercially reasonable time possible. 
  • BMC expects the customer's security team to establish an exception process that enables BMC to conduct a risk analysis and accurately assess the vulnerability's severity. This process should move beyond relying solely on a projected CVSS score, which tends to emphasize the worst-case scenario without confirming the vulnerability's exploitability in BMC products. These exceptions become necessary when addressing the vulnerability entails significant technological changes that cannot be backported or necessitate architectural modifications. 
  • BMC uses all reasonable efforts to maintain a quick fix time as commonly accepted in the market, but there are cases that a vulnerability fix might be unavailable from an upstream vendor of any software utilized by the product. In addition, there are cases where the applied security standards window for addressing the issue begins from the moment the fix is released by the upstream vendor, rather than when the vulnerability is initially identified. BMC anticipates that in such cases the customer’s security team may also need to make certain exceptions. BMC acknowledges that its ability to provide a fix might be hindered by external factors beyond its control. Therefore, BMC will work closely with the customer's security team to evaluate alternative solutions and determine the best course of action. 
  • Because there is typically a delay between when the customer performs scans or deploys BMC products in their production environment, it is important that customers use the latest version of BMC software products to benefit from the most up-to-date security updates. BMC also recommends that customers utilize the latest version of the customer’s security scanner. BMC reserves the right to not backport fixes to previously released versions. While certain products undergo the practice of backporting fixes to previous releases, this might not be the case for all products. In such instances, fixes will only be included in the subsequent upcoming release.

BMC encourages customers to actively engage in maintaining the security of BMC’s products by promptly reporting any discovered vulnerabilities. Customer contributions play a vital role in helping BMC maintain a robust and secure software ecosystem. To submit a discovered vulnerability, please refer to https://www.bmc.com/corporate/trust-center/vulnerability-disclosure.html.

  1. Third-Party Products
  • To receive full support for a BMC product, customers must have such products installed in a supported Kubernetes environment or use a supported associated commercial management tool, as specified in the BMC product documentation.
  • If a third-party vendor cancels support for one of its products (such as a Kubernetes version, operating system, or subsystem), and that third-party product is underlying, integrates, or interacts with the BMC product, the customer must upgrade to a supported version of that third-party product before BMC Customer Support can provide support for the affected BMC product. 
  1. Relationship to Kubernetes Versions
  • BMC recognizes the limited lifespan of Kubernetes versions and places great importance on BMC products remaining current with the latest supported versions of Kubernetes and its associated commercial management systems.
  • BMC strives to provide support for the latest version of Kubernetes and its associated commercial management tools at the time of each containerized product major and minor (VV.RR) version release.
  • BMC Helix containerized products’ major and minor (VV.RR) version releases will support at least three Kubernetes minor releases.
  • For each fully supported major and minor (VV.RR) version release or patch, BMC will support at least one supported version of Kubernetes.
  • Customers must ensure that their underlying Kubernetes platform or associated commercial management product remains within a supported version to maintain compatibility and receive essential updates. 
  • BMC reserves the right to update the list of supported Kubernetes versions and associated commercial management tools for its already generally available (GA) versions. This update may occur even after the GA date, particularly if a specific Kubernetes version is no longer supported by any third-party vendors. 
  • Internally, BMC tests its platform against a range of Kubernetes platforms that are regularly reviewed and updated. BMC does not test with every single Kubernetes configuration, platform vendor, or associated commercial management tool, but aims to cover a representative sample of popular Kubernetes implementations. For the full list of supported Kubernetes versions and tested commercial management tools, please refer to BMC Helix On-Premises Deployment System Requirements documentation.
  • BMC Helix containerized products’ version may still be deployed on and operate with Kubernetes configurations or associated commercial management tools not listed and thus customers might choose to deploy and run BMC Helix containerized products’ version on-premises in a configuration that is not listed as supported. Such configurations would be considered as “unconfirmed.” BMC will accept issues reported in unconfirmed configurations, but BMC reserves the right to request customer assistance in problem determination, including re-creating the problem on a supported configuration. Reported defects either found to be unique to an unconfirmed configuration or found to be not reproducible within a supported environment will be addressed at the discretion of BMC. Defects requiring time and resources beyond commercially reasonable effort might not be addressed. If a configuration is found to be incompatible with BMC Helix containerized products’ version, support for that configuration will be specifically documented as not supported (or unsupported).
  • BMC provides its customers with a deployment automation tool to assist in installing BMC Helix containerized products’ version on-premises. The BMC deployment automation tool can be wrapped into any pipeline a customer may want to create, but it is a required component to launching the orchestration of BMC helm charts, and there is no option to use BMC helm charts directly to create a customer’s own installation steps. Customers using their own deployment tool are expected to have the necessary skills and knowledge needed to use it effectively and to wrap BMC deployment tool into their pipelines without BMC assistance.
  1. Upgrade path (N-2 support)
  • BMC Software offers its customers a streamlined upgrade path, allowing them to upgrade to the current major and minor (VV.RR) version release (N) directly from the latest two major and minor (VV.RR) version releases (N-1, and N-2).
  • BMC may decide at its sole discretion to make exceptions during the introduction of a new major and minor (VV.RR) release, wherein the upgrade support may extend beyond N-2 versions.
  • During the upgrade process, BMC will maintain at least one version overlap between the two major and minor (VV.RR) releases for the underlying Kubernetes version. This overlap means customers can first upgrade their Kubernetes stack before they proceed to upgrade their BMC Software containerized product, ensuring a smooth and manageable transition. In some cases, BMC might recommend an upgrade of the BMC Helix containerized products’ version before upgrading the underlying Kubernetes version.
  • A customer using a version older than the N-2 supported upgrade path will have to first upgrade to the N-2 or N-1 version before they can upgrade to the latest version.
  1. Examples:
  • Supported upgrade:
  Kubernetes version support
Release Increment
Current release
Target Release
  • Unsupported upgrade:
  Kubernetes version support
Release Increment
Current release
Target Release
  1. Additional Information
  • For additional information regarding the availability and support periods of certain products, please refer to BMC Helix Product A-Z page or contact your local BMC representative.
  • This support policy is subject to change, and customers are encouraged to consult the BMC Software Support website or contact BMC Support directly for the most up-to-date information regarding specific product releases and their support status.

Support for Mainframe Products

The policy for the Mainframe Products refers only to the VV.RR portion of the release numbering (with the MM portion not being a factor). When referring to general product versions and releases, the maintenance level (MM) is often omitted, but it is implicitly included.

This policy uses these terms to refer to release relationships:

  • Current release – The most recently available version and release of a Mainframe Product.
  • C–1 – The version and release immediately preceding the current release. 
  • C–2 – The version and release immediately preceding the C-1 release.

BMC provides support for the Mainframe Products as defined in the following table, subject to the Product End of Life Policy below

Support type Description
Full Support

BMC provides support for the current version and release of all its products. BMC also provides full support for one release preceding the current version (C-1) for a maximum period of 3 years.

BMC provides service packs, patches, hot fixes, or workarounds to enable the product to operate in substantial conformity with its then-current operating documentation.

For products on a “continuous delivery” support model, customer may need to apply all existing small programming enhancements and patches to maintain full support.

Limited Support

Following the Full Support period, BMC provides limited support for the C-1 release which has reached max age (3 years), for at least 1 year (but usually 2 years). C-2 releases move to Limited Support for at least 1 year (but usually 2 years) assuming max age was not reached for C-1 release.

New enhancements will not be made to the version or release.

Customer Support will direct customers to existing fixes, patches, or workarounds applicable to the reported case.

BMC will develop new hot fixes for problems of high technical impact or business exposure for customers. With customer input, BMC will determine the degree of impact and exposure and the consequent activities.

Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to a more current version, release, or service pack of the product.

Research and Development will be engaged on critical cases only and on a limited basis for problem identification.

End of Version Support

Access to most technical documentation through BMC Support Central portal, Knowledge Base search, known resolutions and workarounds, existing patches and Service Packs, and BMC support communities will remain available where applicable.

No new sustaining maintenance releases, enhancements, patches, or hot fixes will be made to a version or release in "End of Version" status.

Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to a more current version, release, or service pack of the product.

If a customer would like advice on upgrading its product or has questions about the status of a product’s support status, please contact Customer Support during business hours Monday through Friday.

Example of this support policy:
Using three version/releases of a product (3.0, 2.9 and 2.8), the following support policies would apply:

When 3.0 becomes “generally available” (GA):

  • 3.0 is covered under Full Support. Might require current maint be applied.
  • 2.9 is covered under Full Support for max 36 months followed by 12 month limited.
  • 2.8 is covered under limited support for at least 12 months, if Max full support age had not been reached while being C-1.

You can submit enhancement requests at any time, but they will be considered only for future releases of the product.

Note: While product release cycles vary, most versions and releases are supported for 4 to 6 years. Here is a common example: the initial release has full support for 2 years, the C-1 version has full support for 2 years, and the C-2 version has limited support for 2 years. No version or release will be supported for less than 24 months.

Support for Continuous Delivery Mainframe Products*

The Support policy for Continuous Delivery Mainframe Products refers only to the version (VV) portion of the release numbering VV.RR.MM (with the RR and MM portion not being a factor).

This policy uses these terms to refer to version relationships:

  • Current version – The most recently available version.
  • C–1 – The version immediately preceding the current version.

BMC provides support for the Continuous Delivery Mainframe Products as defined in the following table, subject to the Product End of Life Policy below.

Support type Description
Full Support

BMC provides support for the current version of the products for a minimum of 2 years.

BMC provides new enhancements, service packs, patches, hot fixes, or workarounds to enable the product to operate in substantial conformity with its then-current operating documentation to the latest release (RR.MM).

Customer may need to apply all existing enhancements and patches to maintain full support

End of Version Support

Access to most technical documentation through BMC Support Central portal, Knowledge Base search, known resolutions and workarounds, existing patches and Service Packs, and BMC support communities will remain available where applicable.

No new sustaining maintenance releases, enhancements, patches, or hot fixes will be made to a version in "End of Version" status.

Customer Support will direct customers to upgrade to the latest version of the product.

If a customer would like advice on upgrading its product or has questions about the status of a product’s support status, please contact Customer Support during business hours Monday through Friday.

Example of this support policy:
Using three versions of a product 3, 2, and 1, the following support policies would apply:

When version 3 becomes generally available (GA):

  • Version 3 and 2 are covered under Full Support.
  • Version 1 is covered under End of Support.

Customers may submit enhancement requests at any time, but they will be considered only for future releases in the latest version of the product.

Note: While product release cycles vary, most versions are supported for 2 years. Here is a common example: the initial release has full support for 2 years, the C-1 version has full support for 2 years, and all the versions except C and C-1 are End of Support. All versions will be supported for minimum of 24 months.

*This Continuous Delivery Mainframe Products Support policy is effective for all Support purchased after November 15, 2024 for the Continuous Delivery Mainframe Products and for v4 and later of BMC’s AMI Cloud products.

Extension of Support Periods

In some cases, BMC may extend its support of certain product lines beyond the dates specified in this document. Announcements to this effect are made through the BMC Support Central web site and the Proactive Alert service via the Release Notes of the affected products.

Product End of Life

  • At any time BMC may “end of life” a product by terminating support for such product.
  • At least 12 months prior to the termination of support, BMC will post a notification to the BMC Support Central web site and send physical or electronic notice to each customer who is enrolled in such support to the customer address on file.
  • During the timeframe between when “end of life” notification is posted to the BMC Support Central web site and the actual termination of support, the product will be supported as follows:
    • New enhancements will not be made to the product.
    • No enhancements will be made to the product to support new or updated versions of the platforms on which the product runs or to which it connects. BMC Customer Support will direct customers to existing fixes, patches, or workarounds applicable to the reported case.
    • BMC Software will develop new hot fixes for problems of high technical impact or business exposure for customers. With customer input, BMC will determine the degree of impact and exposure and the consequent activities.
    • Research and Development will be engaged on critical cases only and on a limited basis for problem identification.

Third-Party Products

To receive full support for a BMC product, you must have such product installed in a generally available supported environment. If a third-party vendor cancels support for one of its products (such as an operating system or subsystem), and that third-party product integrates or interacts with the BMC product you have licensed, you must upgrade to a generally available supported version of that third-party product before BMC Customer Support can provide you with support for the affected BMC product.

Where a third-party vendor cancels general support, but offers a paid extended support option, BMC will have no obligation to continue to Support the canceled version, irrespective of whether you have chosen to pay for extended support or not.


When you are ready to upgrade, you can download the latest version from BMC's Electronic Product Distribution (EPD) site. To access this site, you must be currently enrolled in support for that product.

Multi-Language Support

English is the only language BMC contractually commits to providing. However, to enhance our follow-the-sun support model and better serve our customers, BMC Software has contact centers worldwide that have multiple language capabilities. Local offices can provide support in the prevailing local languages, but BMC’s priority is to get the most knowledgeable person to handle your case. In addition to English, BMC can offer a “first point of contact” local language service for the following languages:


  •  English
  •  Spanish (LATAM)
  •  Portuguese (LATAM)


  •  French
  •  German
  •  Spanish
  •  Italian
  •  Portuguese


  •  Chinese
  •  Japanese
  •  Korean

The first point of contact service is hosted by BMC’s contact centers and the language offerings are only available during local business hours. Following the initial communication between the customer and our customer support center, BMC will endeavor to distribute the support issue to a local specialist. However, BMC cannot guarantee local language support from our product specialists. Translation services are available on an exception basis.

Additional Information

For additional information regarding the availability and support periods of certain product lines, contact your local BMC representative. 

BMC Support Resources

Additional Support Centers

Upgrade Assistance

  • The BMC Assisted Migration Offering (AMIGO) program is designed to assist customers with the planning of product upgrades to a newer version – “Success through proper planning”.

Explore AMIGO Program ›
